ROBOX Energy hjälper ett regionalt reningsverk att uppnå maximal effektivitet och utmärkta energibesparingar.

When Robuschi tested its innovative ROBOX energy WS 65 magnet screw compressor in Dimaro's civil wastewater treatment plant in the Province of Trento, the new technology performed way beyond the client's expectations.

Operational since December 2011, the total oxidation plant for the biological treatment of the public sewerage system serves the municipalities of Dimaro and Commezzadura in the Alta Val di Sole valley. With effluent draining directly into the nearby Noce River, the operator was keen to reduce the environmental impact with the introduction of an additional organic de-nitrification and phosphate removal treatment for the water. The plant's blower units were already equipped with conventional motors and Robuschi technology to ensure the right oxygen levels for the elimination of any organic matter in the waters. A sludge sedimentation system treats the sludges and sends them to landfill.

Robox Energy Dimaro rening av avloppsvatten

En unik utmaning

Dimaro-anläggningen är en ovanlig utmaning. Medan alla andra reningsverk i området har kanoniska 4,5 meter djupa oxidationstankar, är Dimaros tankar 7 meter djupa. Dessutom ligger anläggningen cirka 800 meter över havet, vilket ger ett betydligt lägre atmosfärstryck än på andra platser. Giovanni Stancher, produktionslagerchef för Provincia Autonoma di Trentos reningsverk, förklarar: "Dessa ogynnsamma tryckförhållanden ställde stora krav på de befintliga maskinerna, men den nya Robuschi ROBOX-energikompressorn erbjöd en mycket attraktiv lösning."

Robox Energy Dimaro-kompressorer i arbete

Optimal konfiguration

Den första vändpunkten i Dimaro-anläggningen inträffade när Robuschi introducerade en ROBOX-skruvkompressor för lågt tryck med en konventionell motor. Stancher minns: "Efter att ha provat den i våra andra anläggningar installerade vi den i Dimaro 2012, eftersom vi var övertygade om att tekniken skulle vara idealisk för att möta de tuffa utmaningarna på just den här anläggningen." Den nya kompressorn kunde faktiskt inte bara ersätta en av de befintliga ROBOX-loppskompressorerna, utan uppfyllde faktiskt hela anläggningens krav på egen hand.

I slutet av 2015 uppstod en ny utmaning: Robuschi bad provinsen Trento att testa sin nya innovativa kompressormodell, den nya ROBOX energy WS 65-kompressorn. Stancher reflekterar: "Vi testar alltid gärna bra ny teknik och med vår tidigare erfarenhet av ROBOX-produkter var detta en attraktiv möjlighet som vi gärna accepterade. Dessutom fick vi möjlighet att jämföra två modeller av samma maskin med två olika motorer. I dagsläget hade vi ROBOX evolution trelobbiga blåsmaskin med konventionell motor, en ROBOX skruvkompressor för lågt tryck med standardmotor och remdrift och slutligen den nya ROBOX energiskruvkompressorn med permanentmagnetmotor."

Ännu en gång var Dimaros ägare och chefer nöjda med resultatet och köpte den nya skruvkompressorn WS 65 i juli 2016.

Compact, easy and effortless

The configuration of ROBOX energy (which integrates both the inverter and the electric dashboard internally) also allows for an easy and effortless installation process. Stancher comments, “The machine’s very compact design has meant that it has integrated perfectly into the pre-existing compressor room and takes up much less space than any of the alternatives. We simply had to feed the power supply and oxygen gauge signal to the machine in order to calibrate it according to the dissolved oxygen levels. It was extremely easy: ROBOX energy is truly a ‘plug and play’ solution. Robuschi’s technicians oversaw the whole process and ensured that the unit’s many advantages are perfectly optimised to suit our plant’s processes.”

Perfectly balanced

Along with continuous, faultless operation since December 2015, the Dimaro wastewater treatment’s ROBOX technologies also allow it great flexibility. ROBOX energy has become the plant's main machine. It runs alongside the traditional ROBOX screw compressor unit, which acts to compensate for any marked load increases during the summer tourist season or at other times of high demand. It also operates as a spare machine if the main compressor needs inspections, maintenance, or repairs. Stancher, comments, “This way we have a complete system comprising just two units that can work either together or in rotation while also giving us maximum flexibility.”

Indeed, one of ROBOX energy’s most interesting features is its versatility. Its Smart Process Control analyses process data and modifies the machine’s operation to match the varying oxygen supply required throughout the day. Stancher explains, “Water requirements are not constant: there are peak periods followed by various falls and rises. It’s the machine’s job to maintain a constant oxygen level according to the value set. This feature, made possible by the integrated inverter, prevents the on-off alternation that would decrease plant efficiency. In addition, it prevents peaks in oxygen flow, thus improving the quality of the wastewater treatment. The advanced ROBOX technology therefore simultaneously saves energy and optimises the quantity of oxygen, with zero waste.” For the plant owners and managers, the new compressor delivers lower running costs, fewer problems and therefore, greater savings.

A longstanding partnership


The plant has now been working at its new, higher capacity for several months and the five conventional model blowers no longer used will either be moved elsewhere or kept as spares in case of need at other sites. Meanwhile, the data recorded to date from the Dimaro plant demonstrates the new technology's impressive benefits. “We've recorded an efficiency yield variance of up to 25% between the new ROBOX energy and the lobe blower ROBOX evolution. However, when compared to the ROBOX screw compressor, the difference in efficiency reaches 9%.”

Stancher explains that these remarkable results are due to the increased efficiency of the new machine's motor, and to its drive- and belt-free configuration which reduces mechanical loss by comparison with other models. Indeed, the absence of mechanical components in this technologically advanced model make it easier to install, more robust, far less susceptible to breakdowns - and therefore simpler and cheaper to manage and maintain.


He adds, “The entire plant is controlled remotely via our proprietary system, and the ROBOX energy’s Smart Process Control technology communicates directly between our system and the machine’s control unit. Direct intervention and maintenance, however are handled on-site. We have established an enduring relationship with Robuschi and should any issue arise we know we can always rely on their technicians to give us any support we need.” He adds, “Both the quality of the technology and the savings it delivers are important, but the excellent after-sales support and collaboration are fundamentally important to our success.”

Energy savings: the primary objective

The excellent Dimaro experience and results certainly establish a model for other plants in the Trentino area, especially where deeper tanks – and therefore higher pressure compressors such as the new ROBOX energy WS65 – may be necessary. The greatest costs in such plants arise from sludge disposal and energy, so making significant energy savings is a very important achievement, particularly given that saving energy is a key strand of the Autonomous Province of Trento’s philosphy.

Stancher explains, “We aim for energy self-sufficiency in all our plants. For example, we’ve built a 100% ‘energy self-sufficient’ wastewater treatment plant in the Folgaria district, powered by photovoltaic panels and a turbine that produces electric power from wastewater. These developments are driven not only by our ethical standpoint but also by tangible economic advantages.” Saving on energy costs releases more money to spend on other aspects of plant management, and as such, the advances at the Dimaro plant demonstrate how technology such as Robuschi’s can play a leading role.